What Is The Best Substance Abuse Treatment for Teens?

Teens are known for partying, being extra impulsive and sometimes experimenting with drugs. One study revealed that around 1.5 million American teens meet the criteria for Substance Use Disorder (SUD). 

Educating your teens about the risks of substance abuse, supporting their mental health and having open conversations in the home about drug use can go a long way in preventing them from developing a drug habit.

Unfortunately as a parent, there’s only so much you can do. If you have a teen that develops a SUD, there are a number of treatment options that can support your teen to live a healthy and sober life. 

Understanding the Substance Abuse Issue in Teens 

Teens are in a sensitive stage of development marked by rapid biological changes to the brain and body. They tend to be more impulsive, reckless and easily influenced by peer pressure. 

They are also exploring their independence, which can sometimes mean experimenting with drugs without thinking of future consequences. Some teenagers may have higher risk factors that lead them to abusing drugs. 

Risk factors of teenage drug use include: 

  • Mental health problems such as depression or anxiety 
  • Trauma
  • Genetics
  • Family where drug use is common 
  • Physical, sexual or emotional abuse
  • Academic, work or peer pressure
  • Low self-esteem or social rejection
  • Teen curiosity that leads to experimenting with drugs 

Recognizing Signs of Teen Substance Abuse 

It’s not always obvious, but there are some common red flags that may indicate your teen has a SUD: 

  • Extreme shifts in mood (irritability, euphoria, sadness, aggression)
  • Decreased academic performance (attendance, grades) 
  • Poor concentration
  • Memory loss 
  • Lack of coordination or slurred speech 
  • Increased isolation
  • Finding your teen with drugs or alcohol 

Substance Abuse Treatments for Teens 

Supporting your teen with an SUD and getting them treatment is not easy, but essential for their health. It’s important to help them stop drug use by participating in a detox program, while also addressing any underlying physical or mental health disorders that could be influencing the problem. 

Treatment can depend on the needs of your teen, the drug they are addicted to, severity of their condition and symptoms. It can consist of detox, individual or group therapy, residential treatment, or medication. 

Most teens with an SUD will need to be enrolled in either an inpatient or outpatient program to help them get clean and support their long-term recovery. 


This is the first step in a program. It is the process of removing drugs from the body. Detoxing from drugs can cause pain and your teen will be medically supervised during the detox process. 

The length and severity of detox will depend on the kind of substance abuse and the frequency of use. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 

Programs consist of individual therapy sessions to help heal underlying mental health problems that can lead to substance abuse. CBT is a common type of therapy where the teen will work with a counselor on an on-going basis.

CBT focuses on helping teens understand their behavior, recognize triggers, modify negative thought patterns, build healthy coping strategies and set goals. 

Group Therapy

Teens with substance abuse issues can find support from group therapy settings. Sessions are guided by a licensed counselor but allow teens to share experiences with each other. This can help them foster a connection with other teens who are struggling with similar problems. 

It also helps them build empathy and learn to solve issues. It can help with feelings of isolation and is an important part of rehab programs for teens. 

Recreational Therapies 

These are therapies rooted in activities. They help teens to connect with others, increase motivation, reduce stress and boost emotional wellness. 

They also tend to be enjoyable, which is appealing to teens. Some common recreational therapies may include: 

  • Music therapy 
  • Art therapy 
  • Dance
  • Hiking 
  • Sports 


Medication management under the supervision of a licensed psychiatrist can be extremely helpful in managing underlying mental health problems such as anxiety or depression in teens. Medication may also be used during the detox process to manage symptoms from withdrawal or reduce cravings. 

Common medications prescribed teens during SUD treatment include: 

  • Mood stabilizers
  • Antidepressants 
  • Benzodiazepines (sometimes used during detox to reduce pain or cravings)
  • Suboxone (used specifically for opioid use disorder to manage withdrawal symptoms) 

Seeking Professional Help

If you identify warning signs of a substance abuse problem in your teen, it’s important to reach out for professional support to help find the best plan of treatment. 

At Clearfork Academy our team of compassionate, licensed therapists understands the complex nature of substance abuse in teens. Reach out to our Admissions team to learn more. 


The State of Mental Health in America. 2023. Mental Health America. 

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