Delta-8 THC and the Dangers of Other Over-the-Counter Drugs

A new over-the-counter drug is making its way into stores and onto the streets: Delta-8 THC. You’ve likely heard a lot of stories about this strain of “legalized weed,” and we’re here to help you separate the facts from the myths. 

What is Delta-8 THC?

Delta-8 THC is a close cousin of Delta-9 THC, or what we commonly refer to as marijuana. The major difference is that Delta-8 has less apparent psychoactive effects, and the majority is grown under legal standards of less than 0.3% THC content from cannabis. The low THC content creates a more subdued high when smoked or vaped (though the intensity rises if ingested as an edible). Because of this, a common misconception that Delta-8 is not harmful has begun circulating. 

What are the effects of Delta-8 THC?

Common Delta-9 THC side effects like cottonmouth, paranoia, inflamed eyes, and anxiety have been reported, but are less apparent in Delta-8. This sounds great in theory, but it’s important to remember that Delta-8 is still a psychoactive drug. Just like Delta-9 THC, Delta-8 does still have addictive properties and can be harmful when over-consumed.

What are the dangers of Delta-8 THC?

The real danger of Delta-8 is the wide availability: it can be purchased without a medical card in 39 states. It is being sold in CBD shops and gas stations, often as fruit flavored gummies. This is especially dangerous because children could easily mistake it for candy. Even a single dose can be extremely harmful to young children.

This drug’s wide availability in retail stores has also led to an increase in Delta-8 THC on the street. This is the danger of over-the-counter drugs: they don’t stay over-the-counter. Almost anyone can buy it and then choose to re-sell it to a younger and younger demographic. Even if your kiddo is too young to buy it in a smoke shop, the potential of their exposure to THC has still increased as Delta-8 circulates.

We urge parents to research Delta-8 THC, and other over-the-counter drugs. Stay informed, and reach out to the Clearfork Academy team if you’re concerned that your teen may have a substance abuse problem. Our clinical admissions specialists are available 24/7 to help with your unique situation. Please call us at (817) 259-2597, email us at, or visit our website at


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