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Teen Rehab Plano, Texas

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Searching for a Youth Rehab in Plano?

Addiction is hard for anyone, but it’s especially devastating on teenagers. Substance abuse can shatter their bonds with friends and family, destroy their education and future prospects, cause permanent damage to their bodies, and lead them into a life of addiction. If your teenager is struggling with drugs or alcohol, know that there is a way to help them. That’s what we specialise in at Clearfork Academy. We offer Christ-focused recovery support for boys and girls aged between 13 and 18 years old, with a boys campus in Forth Worth and a girls campus in Cleburne. If you’re looking for a teen rehab near Plano, you’ve found the right place. With over 15 years spent researching and developing our approach to addiction, we’ve found a way to help young people take back control over their lives. We get real results and send home teens that are completely different people from the ones we took in. If your home situation is becoming unbearable, we’re here to help.

“Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”

1 Thessalonians 2:8

Intensive Outpatient Program

Why Choose Our Rehab?

There are many different approaches to chemical dependency out there these days, and many of the options don’t involve going to rehab. How do you, as a parent, know what is best for your child? What do you choose? Well, substance abuse is a complex issue and requires a lot of work to overcome. Rehab is one of the best approaches out there, and here are some reasons why.

  • Quitting cold turkey by yourself is almost impossible for almost all people, and especially so for teens and young people who experience a lot of emotional turmoil and are faced with many opportunities for relapse
  • Going to a rehab prevents you from relapsing when you experience the craving for a substance, since all ways to access it are removed
  • When you stop using a substance you’re dependent on, your body goes into withdrawal, which is a dangerous process with lots of negative effects, so it’s always best to detox under the supervision of a medical professional and with the proper medication to control the symptoms
  • Rehab is also a great way to form new relationships and connections with people who can relate to your struggle, which can be especially true in the Clearfork environment where the other patients are the same age as you
  • At a good treatment facility, you have access to 24/7 support in a way that is nearly impossible to replicate in a home environment

What Our Teen Rehab in Plano Offers

As you can see, there are many benefits to rehab. We can provide professional support that parents and other family members are unable to. If a residential program isn’t right for your child, whether that’s because of their preferences or other commitments, then we have a solution too. Our intensive outpatient program gives you access to the same therapy treatment without needing to leave home. We also offer a safe way to detox when your child first comes off their substance, using medical supervision to ensure their health, safety and comfort. If you want to give your child the best possible chance at successful recovery, then choosing a rehab for teens near Plano is the right choice. To find out if Clearfork Academy is the best option for your teen, fill in the form on our website or call our phone number.