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Digital Detox For Teens: Why Is It Ok To Disconnect

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With teen mental health problems on the rise, it’s normal for parents to wonder if technology is to blame. Technology can be a helpful way for teens to connect, get creative, unwind, and learn new information. However, when does too much time spent with technology start to cause a negative impact? 

In 2023, the US surgeon general released a statement on Social Media and Youth Mental Health talking about the growing research on the harm tech and social media are causing to teen mental health. 

It’s important for parents to be mindful of the amount of time teens spend using technology and encourage healthy practices that allow them to disconnect and unplug. 

A digital detox is sometimes necessary for both teens and adults to boost mental wellness and stay grounded. 

The Negative Effects Of Tech On A Teen´s Life 

Teens today are living in a world filled with technology that is constantly evolving at rapid speeds. Research continues to show there are a number of negative effects on the mental health of teens who are constantly on their phones, computers, or playing video games. 

Impact Self Esteem

The use of technology, specifically social media, can impact a teen’s identity and self-image. Influencers on social media often only show the best versions of themselves and do not share the full context of their lives. For teens who are already naturally more prone to comparing themselves with their peers, this might make them more aware of how they are perceived on social media. 

Teens today may constantly feel under pressure asking themselves “Why didn’t anyone comment on my post?”, “why didn’t they respond to my snap streaks?”, “how do I get more followers or likes?”. 

Desensitized To Violence 

Teens now have more access to more information than ever. This can include videos of violence or video games that promote violence. While it´s important to teach teens the reality of the world and not shelter them completely, it is important to be mindful that some online content can be triggering.

If the internet feeds of teens are constantly filled with violence, political or social problems, this can increase rates of anxiety, depression, or even aggression. 

Strained Relationships 

Relationships are now being created through a screen as society shifts to online engagement rather than face-to-face communication. This has been especially popular since the pandemic. 

This can take a toll on relationships that often require physical and emotional stimulation, as well as non verbal skills that simply can’t be understood through a screen. 

Impacts Reward Processing 

Teens are constantly met with online interactions, feedback, comments, and direct messages, releasing the neurotransmitter dopamine. This chemical in the brain is responsible for reward processing, pleasure, and forming habits. 

As the use of tech platforms or social media increases, the more engagement a teen craves. This triggers a reward cycle that can be hard to break, similar to a high from drugs.  

What Does Digital Detox Mean? Is It Really Detox? 

Digital detox is a period where you intentionally reduce the amount of time spent on digital devices. This can include taking a break from using your phone, watching TV, spending time on the internet, or playing video games. 

It is not detox in the sense that you will have physical withdrawal symptoms, however, it can be very hard to do without support. 

Although it may be difficult at first, there are several benefits of having a digital detox. These can include: 

  • Better sleep
  • Improved mental health
  • Increase in focus and productivity 
  • Improved relationships 

How To Help Teens Unplug 

If you are concerned your teen is spending too much time using technology, there are some ways to help them set limits and teach boundaries. These include:

  • Set limits on your teen’s cell phone use, computer screentime or videogames 
  • Set periods or days where you go tech-free as a family
  • Restrict screen time a few hours before bedtime to increase sleep quality 
  • Use parental controls on social media platforms to set time restrictions on certain apps
  • Have teens turn off notifications so they are not constantly being interrupted 
  • Educate them about the consequences of spending too much time on technology 
  • Encourage them to get involved in sports or social activities 

When Screentime Becomes A Problem 

Screentime becomes a problem when teens can’t function without their phones, tablets, computers, or some kind of device. Experts recommend that teens and adults should only have about 2 hours a day of screen time, however, most of us spend much more than that. 

Excessive screen time can lead to: 

  • Sleep problems
  • Low self-esteem
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Isolation
  • Academic decline 
  • Disordered eating 

Frequently Asked Questions 

It’s understandable for parents to be concerned and filled with questions about how to navigate their teens and technology use. Find some of the most frequently asked questions below. 

How To Help A Student Do A Digital Detox? 

For some students, it can be difficult to digitally detox, especially with how much learning is now done online. It may be helpful to encourage your teen to take small breaks such as getting up and going on a walk. Try to distract them with engaging & enriching activities where they don´t feel the need to constantly be on their phones. 

How Do I Detox My Child From Electronics? 

Parents can start by modeling a digital detox in their own lives. Setting limits on screentime, especially for bed can help them increase their quality of sleep. Speak with them about the consequences of too much time with electronics and the impact on their health. 

Is Digital Detox Good For Mental Health? 

A digital detox can be great for both teen and adult mental health. It can boost emotional wellness, increase self-esteem, improve focus, and help reduce symptoms of anxiety. 


 Social Media and Youth Mental Health. The U.S. Surgeon General Advisory.

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