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Teen Suicidal Ideation Treatment in Texas

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How Is Suicidal Ideation Treated?

Treating suicidal ideation depends on the specific situation and risk of the person who is suffering. Common treatments include:

  • Psychotherapy – which allows you to explore how you are feeling and why you are thinking about suicide. Together with your therapist you will develop goals to learn how to manage your emotions and find strategies to cope.
  • Medication – your suicidal ideation may be brought on by underlying mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. You may therefore be prescribed antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, or antipsychotic medications, depending on the condition you have.
  • Addiction treatment – substance use increases your risk of suicidal ideation and being suicidal can increase substance abuse. If you are using substances it is important to treat this. You may need to go to dextox, undergo rehab, and attend self-help groups.
  • Family support and education – family can act as support but also conflict in teen suicide prevention. Involving them in the treatment process can help them support you better, learn warning signs, understand what you are going through, and improve your family dynamic.
healthy teen

Making lifestyle changes can also help with suicidal ideation as something complementary to treatment. For example, managing stress, improving sleep patterns, eating healthily, exercising regularly, and making time for your interests. Some people might find that mindfulness, meditation, and yoga are helpful.

What Is Suicidal Ideation?

Suicidal ideation is when you think about killing yourself. It can be active or passive:

  • Passive suicidal ideation – where you wish you were dead or could die but do not make a plan to take your own life
  • Active suicidal ideation – where you intend to kill yourself and make a plan to do so

Suicidal ideations can be a symptom of mental health disorders such as major depression and bipolar disorder but can also occur in people who do not have mental health conditions.

10 Signs That a Teen Needs Suicidal Ideation Treatment

Recognizing signs of teen suicidal ideation can help you to understand if a loved one needs treatment. They may try to hide some of their symptoms because they are ashamed or do not want their loved ones to worry about them. Ten warning signs that a teen needs suicidal ideation treatment are:

  1. Isolating themselves from loved ones
  2. Talking about death and suicide
  3. Expressing feeling hopeless and worthless
  4. Increased mood swings, irritability, and anger
  5. Increased substance abuse
  6. Risk-taking behaviors such as driving under the influence, getting into legal trouble, and unsafe sex
  7. Suddenly seeming calm or happy after being depressed
  8. Getting the means to kill themselves
  9. Giving away possessions
  10. Visiting loved ones and saying goodbye

In extreme cases, a teen may act on ideation and make a suicide attempt or be in immediate danger of doing so. If this happens, it is important not to leave them alone. Call the emergency services on 911 immediately to get urgent medical assistance.

How to Help a Teenager With Suicidal Thoughts

If you have a friend or family member who is having suicidal thoughts, there are ways that you can support them through this. It is important to have open and honest conversations with them, making it clear to them that you will not judge them on their mental health condition. When you feel sure that they trust that you have their wishes at heart, make sure that you also let them know about your concerns.

While it is important not to force someone to get treatment, you can speak with them about treatment options and encourage them to seek support. Before speaking with them, you may want to do research into the nature of different treatment options. With a variety of options, they may see something they feel will work for them.

At Clearfork Academy, we offer treatment programs that are tailored to individual needs. We also understand that it can be stressful for family members to understand and support their loved ones when they are suicidal. We offer resources and professional help for the families of those suffering.

What Are the Potential Causes of Suicidal Ideation in Teenagers?

There are many potential causes for suicidal ideation in teens. The teen years are a particularly challenging stage of life when you are getting to know yourself and trying to assert your independence. It is common to feel left out or bullied by peers and to partake in risk-taking behaviors that could put you in dangerous situations that compromise your long-term mental health. Some potential causes of suicidal ideation in teenagers include:

  • Sexual abuse
  • Financial problems and unemployment – this could be financial problems in the household or personal ones if you have moved out of your family home
  • Grief – such as due to the death of a loved one
  • Rejection
  • A breakup
  • Substance abuse
  • Physical health issues
  • Mental illness including depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety
  • Antidepressants can have side effects of suicidal thoughts when you first start taking them. Speak with your doctor if this happens

Teen Suicide Statistics

Suicide is the second leading cause of death in people aged fifteen to twenty-four. This is also the age range in which the suicide rate is the highest. Shockingly, nearly twenty percent of high school students report serious thoughts of suicide. This shows how important it is to recognize signs of suicidal ideation and intervene early with support.

How to Measure Suicidal Behavior and Ideation

Measuring suicidal behavior and ideation is done by medical professionals. They will tend to ask about any history of mental illness, thoughts of suicide, whether you have made a suicide plan or have attempted suicide, what medication you are taking, and how often you use alcohol and drugs. There are specific questionnaires that have been developed to measure the risk of suicide. It is important to note that passive suicidal ideations should not be taken less seriously as these can quickly change to active ideations.

What Are the Risk Factors for Teen Suicide?

There are risk factors that increase the chances of adolescent suicide. However, having some or all of these suicide risk factors does not mean that you or your loved one will definitively become suicidal. Suicide risk factors include:

  • Suicide attempts in the past
  • Mental health conditions
  • Chronic physical illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, or a terminal illness
  • Family history of suicide or attempted suicide
  • Substance use disorders
  • Childhood abuse or trauma
  • Being part of the LGBTQI+ community
  • Having access to firearms

What are the Warning Signs That a Teen Might be Suicidal?

Recognizing the signs may help you to intervene before a loved one tries to attempt suicide. Remember that while someone might seem like a ray of sunshine on the outside, things can be different inside. Some signs that a teen is suicidal include increased risk-taking behaviors, isolating themselves from loved ones, and visiting loved ones that they may not see regularly. They may become calm or even happy once they have decided on a suicide plan, so you may see a shift from depression to a sense of peace.

What Can I Do to Prevent Teen Suicide?

The most important thing is to check in with your loved one and make sure they know that you are there for them. The better your trust and communication are, the more likely you are to notice signs of suicidal ideations. Do not be scared to speak with them about difficult topics, including wanting to commit suicide. You may worry that this will give them ideas, but it is important that they can speak with someone about their worries and plans if they are suicidal.

How to Motivate a Teenager With Suicidal Thoughts to Start Treatment

If you have an open and honest relationship with the teenager, it will be easier to motivate them to get help. Make sure you are aware of suicidal ideation treatment options so that you can share them with your teen.

What Makes Teens Vulnerable to Suicide?

The teen years are challenging, particularly if you struggle with additional factors. For example, teens that are bullied or have mental health problems are more likely to have suicidal ideations or attempt suicide. Try to be aware of your teenager’s vulnerabilities.

Teen Suicidal Ideation Treatment at Clearfork Academy

Clearfork Academy is a Christ-centered treatment facility that focuses on treating teenagers who are struggling with issues such as trauma and substance abuse. Our suicidal ideation treatment focuses on healing your body, mind, and spirit so that you have the best chance of a happy and healthy future.

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