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Teen Video Game Addiction Treatment in Texas

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How Does Therapy Help with Video Game Addiction?

When a teenager struggles with process addictions, it’s an emotional and challenging time for everyone who cares about them. If a young adult in your family is addicted to video games, Clearfork Academy can help. Our masters-level therapists and experiential, life-changing activities will help your teen understand why playing video games took over their lives. It may be that your teen is trying to escape reality when they play video games. Our addiction treatment experts will help them recognize and work through the underlying issues contributing to their online gaming compulsion.

Teens addicted to video gaming rely on the gaming experience to change their moods and give them a sense of achievement and reward, affecting the brain’s reward center. However, our unique adventure, art, and music therapy will open up a new healthy world of self-confidence, self-esteem, and personal empowerment. Through individual, group, and family therapy, your teen will build new coping skills to manage stress and negative emotions.

At Clearfork, your teen will discover new social skills for positive personal interaction. Psychotherapy will help them change and overcome the negative patterns of thought and behavior that led to their gaming disorder.

Therapy is a vital step in treating video game addiction and internet gaming disorder. It will give your teenage family member the tools and support they need to recover from their addiction and lead a happy, engaged, and fulfilling life.

What are the Signs of Video Game Addiction in Teens?

If you notice your teen suffering some or all of the following, they may be suffering from video game addiction:

  • Abandoning hobbies – has your teen dropped out of sports, social activities, or other once-loved pursuits? Have video games put all other activities to the back of the line?
  • Isolation – is your teen neglecting real-life family and friends in favor of online communities? Do they spend hours alone in front of a screen?
  • Moodiness and irritability – if they can’t play video games, does your teen become sulky and angry?
  • Neglecting responsibilities – has your teen stopped handing in school work or given up on chores?  
  • Obsession – does your teen talk constantly about gaming or appear to think about it all the time?
  • Poor hygiene – is your teen failing to wash, change their clothes, or otherwise care for their appearance?

How to Help Teens with Video Game Addiction?

When you help your teen overcome video gaming addiction, try and work with them:

  • Communicate – speak to your teen about unhealthy gaming habits and let them know you’re there to listen, help, and support
  • Game time boundaries – set limits on how long your teen will stay in front of a screen
  • New activities – try to encourage your teen to explore new interests. Out-of-the-house hobbies, social opportunities, sports, and music.
  • Self-care – help your teen build up a good sleep, exercise, and healthy nutrition routine
  • Supervise and intercede – observe their gaming habits, and don’t be afraid to step in and say no if they aren’t sticking to the limits you agreed
  • Treatment – through therapy and counseling, your teen can address underlying mental disorders and develop strategies to overcome their addiction

Level of Care Offered for Video Game Addiction at Clearfork Academy

We offer a structured environment and the highest level of Christ-centered care for young people struggling with gaming addiction. Under the supervision of our experienced staff, during a 13-week program, teens receive  24-hour monitoring combined with focused support and attention.

Residential Care for Teen Anxiety

At our scenic 80-acre ranch, teens aged 13 to 17 years old suffering from anxiety disorders enter a nonjudgmental, inspiring space. Here, they can free themselves from excessive worry, low self-esteem, and the intense emotional stress of anxiety. Adventure therapy, CBT, and other approaches help your teen rewire their brain for confidence and pride and a brighter future.

Intensive Outpatient Program

Our intensive outpatient program is highly effective for teens who need flexible treatment to maintain educational, extracurricular, and family commitments. From video game addiction to substance use disorders, intensive outpatient treatment provides the support and guidance young adults need on their recovery journey.

Treating Video Game Addiction in Teenagers at Clearfork Academy

Video game addiction impacts every aspect of a teen’s life – their physical health, mental health, school grades, and relationships can all fall by the wayside.

At Clearfork Academy, with its picturesque landscape and scenic views, video game addiction treatment addresses your teen’s behavioral addiction by considering their physical, mental, and spiritual health.

We take a multi-disciplinary approach that combines adventurous activities, challenging exercises, group support, and expert therapy.

Gaming disorder has physical, psychological, and social aspects. We provide insightful education and support to help young people understand the dangers of excessive gaming and develop a fresh perspective on life and the role of technology. Our unique approach builds social skills and improves your teen’s emotional management.

At Clearfork Academy, your teen can overcome video game addiction and take a happier, healthier road toward the life they deserve.

What Causes Video Game Addiction in Teenagers?

The causes of teen video game addiction are multifaceted. Underlying mental health disorders, past trauma, social exclusion, a lack of confidence, or a need for escapism into a fantasy world can develop into an unhealthy online gaming compulsion. In essence, life is out of balance. Technology designed to entertain has become a mesmerizing master.

Negative Effects of Video Game Addiction

It’s vital for teens and family members to recognize the damaging consequences of excessive gaming:

  • Education – video gaming to excess interferes with studying and homework, leading to poor academic performance
  • Financial problems – teenagers addicted to video games can spend alarming amounts on in-game purchases, gaming tech, and software.
  • Nutritional neglect – gaming addiction often co-occurs with poor food choices, leading to continuing ill health, obesity, and significant life-threatening health problems in later years
  • Physical issues – excessive screen time causes eye strain, headaches, and postural issues due to poor seating with potential long-term ramifications
  • Sleep disorders – the disrupted sleep patterns associated with gaming addiction can damage a teen’s physical and mental health
  • Social isolation – impaired relationships with family and friends have severe developmental effects

Why Boys Are More Likely to Have Gaming Disorder

Recognizing that gaming addiction doesn’t just affect teen boys is crucial. People of all genders and ages are affected by gaming disorders. With that said, teen boys’ brain chemistry and impulse control may put them at increased risk of possible addiction.

There are several factors at play here:

  • Deeper immersion – boys are prone to playing longer and frequently become more involved in the gaming culture
  • Gender expectations – societal pressure may push boys into achievement-focused pastimes that reward competitive play
  • Violence – many video games feature combat, which may attract more male players

How Parents Can Help Prevent Teenage Video Game Addiction

Good communication is vital in helping your teen avoid a gaming disorder. Family relationships that encourage open discussion allow you to guide your teen in creating a balanced life where gaming is just one part of their day. Try the following:

  • Limit time gaming and establish acceptable boundaries
  • Be selective in what games you allow your child to play, and pull the plug if your child shows any of the addiction signs listed above
  • Encourage outdoor, physically healthy activities and support hobbies with social and energetic aspects to balance gaming time.

Teenage Video Game Addiction Treatment at Clearfork Academy

Clearfork Academy is the gateway to an exciting, happy, healthy, and active life for your teen. Real-life activities, new friendships, and growing self-respect and responsibility can replace a harmful gaming obsession. If your teen is ready to stop gaming, get in touch, we’re here for you.


FAQ about Video Game Addiction Treatment

Below are some commonly-asked questions about Clearfork Academy and the typical teen experience during treatment. If you don’t see your question below, please click here to see all FAQs or reach out to us directly for more information.

Teens with gaming addiction may not recognize the harm it’s doing, so adopt a calm, patient approach. Explain the negative consequences of video game addictions, describe the benefits treatment brings, and tell them you’ll listen to their concerns when choosing a treatment provider. Paint the whole process in a positive light.

Yes, your teen can recover. With the support of our addiction experts, they can change negative behavioral habits, stop playing video games to excess, exchange a virtual world for a real one, and develop a new, fulfilling way of life.

If your child shows the warning signs of gaming addiction given above, seek professional help. Our therapist can evaluate their situation and, if necessary, form an effective treatment plan.

Clearfork Academy is here to help your family every step of the way. We’ll help your teen overcome video game addiction. Contact us today to discuss your concerns and get the support you and your teen need.

Most residential treatment programs at Clearfork Academy last for 13 weeks. When a resident is ready to graduate, they leave with an action plan to help them continue their healing and recovery journey.

We believe family support is vital for recovery from addictive behaviors. We encourage parental participation in family programs and sessions.

Our inpatient facilities for residential treatment include an on-site learning center. Our highly skilled staff hold specific certifications recognized by the Texas Education Association. Your teenager can continue their education at the same level when they enter treatment. Alternatively, our intensive outpatient program offers flexibility to still attend school.

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