How to Know if Your Teen Needs Residential Treatment?

Residential treatment is a form of therapeutic care that provides an environment for adolescents with a substance use disorder (SUD) to heal from the effects of trauma, addiction, or mental illness. Such an environment offers a safe space for teens to develop the confidence and resiliency needed to sustain sobriety.

Residential treatment also helps teens and their parents understand addiction and develop ways to help them manage their disorder. Let’s explore residential treatment, and determine if this is a good option for your teen.

The Basics of Substance Abuse

Substance use disorders involve using any drug or chemical substance that alters one’s mood or behavior. Some of these drugs are legal, and others are not. When teens experience addiction, they may go through withdrawal symptoms when they cannot access substances.

A SUD can also lead to risky behaviors resulting in injury or death. If you think your teen has a problem with substance abuse, it’s essential to discuss this issue with them calmly and without judgment. Listen to their concerns and help them find the best residential treatment facilities.

Does My Teen Need Rehab?

Teens turn to drugs and alcohol for many reasons. Some turn to substances when they want to escape reality or increase their dopamine levels. Others turn to them for fun or because of peer pressure. Whatever their reason, addiction can take over. It’s crucial for you as a parent or guardian to look for any signs of drug or alcohol use in your child so that you can seek help.

Some of the most common signs of teen substance use include:

  • A sudden change in their behavioral patterns.
  • Changes in appearance or hygiene.
  • Poor performance or absences from school.
  • Increase in hostility and aggression.
  • Loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed.
  • Frequent mood changes.
  • Lying about how much they use to hide their addiction.
  • Risky behavior such as unprotected sex with multiple partners when under the influence.
  • Dilated pupils.
  • The inability to meet their responsibilities.
  • Persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down on alcohol or other drug use.
  • Withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, depression, and cravings when they cannot use their drug of choice.

What Happens During Residential Treatment?

Research suggests that residential treatment significantly decreases teens’ chances to use substances. Treatment will not only help your child overcome their addiction but also manage any co-occurring mental health disorders.

Residential treatment provides stability for kids to focus on their recovery without the distraction of problems in school or with friends. The good news is that rehabilitation is successful for many teens addicted to substances. Residential treatment works because of the supportive environment and length of stay.

Residential treatment also helps teenagers:

  • Identify the problems they’re having with their substance use.
  • Learn how to make healthy decisions in the future.
  • Develop life skills such as coping skills.
  • Receive counseling to help them deal with their SUD and related problems.
  • They offer the means for your teen to continue schooling with academic support.

Early Steps of Treatment

The first step of treatment usually involves detoxification from drugs or alcohol before moving into a residential program where teens are monitored 24/7 while receiving therapy and learning new strategies for coping.

Their individualized recovery plan will also include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help identify triggers.
  • Educational counseling to help them avoid triggering situations that lead to relapse.
  • Learn positive coping skills that will allow them to manage their lives and recovery successfully.

Finally, treatment centers such as Clearfork Academy provide aftercare services that assist with post-treatment adjustments like outside therapy, support groups, and academic support.

How to Select The Right Rehab Center?

If you’re looking for a teen rehab center, it’s essential to choose one with an excellent reputation and fully licensed staff. Take into account how many years the facility has been around; this will give you an idea about its experience with teens dealing with addiction disorders. It will also be helpful if they offer both residential treatment programs and outpatient options so that your child can continue their education while undergoing treatment.

Some questions to consider include:

  • What services do they offer for teenagers?
  • How long can your child stay at a residential facility?
  • Do they offer individual or group therapy options, wilderness programs, or a variety of treatment modalities?
  • Are family members welcome to visit regularly?
  • Do they include family therapy to improve familial relations?
  • Will they offer academic support, so your child stays on track with their academics?

At Clearfork Academy, our residential treatment programs help teens develop better coping mechanisms to manage their mental health and substance use disorders. Our models of treatment and therapies improve self-esteem, social skills and build healthy support networks consisting of family, friends, and peers. With us, your teenager will have a comfortable space to explore their potential and develop the skills and enthusiasm necessary to go after their greatest dreams. Our strong presence within the community also ensures that your teenager has access to support long after initial treatment. While embarking on the journey to recovery can be intimidating, remember, it all begins with taking the first step. If your teenager is currently struggling with mental health and substance use disorders, get help today. With provided admissions 24 hours a day, seven days a week, there’s no excuse not to reach out. To learn more about our programs, contact Clearfork Academy today by calling (817) 259-2597 .

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