Mental Health

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Having to send a child to a drug rehab treatment facility is perhaps one of the most challenging decisions a parent might have to make. Parenting is difficult in general

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A male teen is addicted to video games and is in clear need of treatment here at Clearfork Academy.
Mental Health

Is My Child Addicted to Video Games?

Video games have become an integral part of the lives of many adolescents, offering entertainment, social interaction, and sometimes even an escape from reality.  While gaming can be a healthy

A male teen showing how much porn he's saved on his phone; is in clear need of treatment here at Clearfork Academy.
Mental Health

10 Signs My Teen is Addicted to Pornography

Key Characteristics The consumption of pornography itself is not inherently harmful or indicative of addiction, but it can lead to bigger issues like sexual addiction. Addiction is characterized by a

A young man about to complete outpatient rehab here at Clearfork Academy.
Mental Health

Teen Outpatient Rehab – A Complete Guide

If you’re a parent with a teenager who is struggling with substance abuse, you’re not alone. Helping your child find their way back to a healthier path with the step

A female teen is experiencing alcohol withdrawals and clearly needs treatment here at Clearfork Academy.
Mental Health

Unraveling Alcohol Detox for Teens

The Hidden Perils of Adolescent Alcohol Use: An Imminent Concern Underage drinking, the consumption of alcohol by individuals under the legal drinking age, typically 21 in the U.S., poses a

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