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Having to send a child to a drug rehab treatment facility is perhaps one of the most challenging decisions a parent might have to make. Parenting is difficult in general

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Drug Use in Teens
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Signs of Drug Use in Teens

Teen drug use has been a well-documented topic in recent years, and it appears to be a more extensive problem than parents and guardians might suspect. As a result, there

Is My Teen Athlete at Risk of Opioid Use?
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Is My Teen Athlete at Risk of Opioid Use?

Prescription drugs are some of the most easily accessible drugs to misuse, as many households have a designated medicine cabinet that a curious teen could get into if they wanted

Rediscovering Yourself in Recovery
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Rediscovering Yourself in Recovery

Recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) can be an exciting time for teens to discover who they are and want to be. In early recovery, many teens find that they

How Can I Help My Teen Develop Teen Leadership Skills?
Parent Information

How Can I Help My Teen Develop Teen Leadership Skills?

While the process of recovery from substance abuse is challenging for anyone, it is especially challenging for teenagers. Parents of teens struggling with addiction often feel discouraged and depressed, wondering

Recovery: Sacrificing for the Better
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Recovery: Sacrificing for the Better

Deciding to seek treatment for a substance use disorder (SUD) is a big decision. It takes sacrifice and hard work to beat addiction. This article explores how we must go

Is It Okay for Teens to Have Alcohol at Home?
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Is It Okay for Teens to Have Alcohol at Home?

There are plenty of valid reasons to be concerned about teen drinking. Teen drinking can lead to catastrophic consequences, both physically and emotionally. With fake IDs, older friends who can

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