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Having to send a child to a drug rehab treatment facility is perhaps one of the most challenging decisions a parent might have to make. Parenting is difficult in general

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The Impact of Covid-19 on Teen Mental Health
Parent Information

The Impact of Covid-19 on Teen Mental Health

As the number of COVID cases rose throughout the year, the world was put on a complete lockdown that resulted in social isolation to prevent the further spread of the

father having a conversation with his teenage son
Parent Information

How Do I Talk to My Child About My Addiction?

Many view parenthood as rewarding despite the challenges that come with the role. With substance use disorder (SUD) rates among teens on the rise, creating an environment for learning and

father putting his shoulder around his son
Parent Information

How Can You Break the Familial Cycle of Addiction?

In every question about our experience and behavior, we question nature versus nurture. In the cycle of addiction, both nature and nurture play a role. However, the cycle does not

How Do I Help My Teen Who Has Relapsed?
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How Do I Help My Teen Who Has Relapsed?

Relapse is a difficult topic to discuss with your child. It’s hard to know what to say and how to react. However, your child needs to understand that you support

Parent Information

Teen Substance Abuse & Overdose Statistics

New statistics come out every year for just about anything you can imagine. Doctors, psychologists, economists, etc., come together and boil life down into a series of numbers. Why? Because

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