Alumni Program

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Clearfork Academy, a Christian faith-based teen addictions center in Texas with facilities in Fort Worth, Hulen, Cleburne and Carrollton, welcomes you to our Alumni Program page. 

Who Are Our Alumni?

If you are a former patient who entered any of the following programs, then you are a Clearfork alumnus:

  • Detox
  • Residential
  • PHP
  • IOP

Our Mission In Service

The journey of recovery is an ongoing process, so from the moment of admission you forever become a member of the Clearfork family.

We’re here to help you:

  • Connect
  • Find community

With open arms and a compassionate heart, we invite you to participate.

Our Responsibility

At Clearfork Academy our goal is to save lives and forge new legacies for teens. Our Alumni Program is a thriving and essential part of our services during your recovery journey.

Giving back in service is one of our responsibilities.

Our team’s goal is to “Be Available”.

Our Objectives 

1. To foster ongoing connections among former patients, their families, and Clearfork Academy by:

  • Closely monitoring participants
  • Offering timely assistance during challenging moments
  • Collectively celebrating their achievements and milestones

2. Establish a robust community of alumni, supporting each other in their recovery journey and maintaining active engagement.

3. To be available, no matter how long after you graduate from our program. Our alumni team is always there to assist with:

  • Resources
  • Guidance
  • Recognition for important benchmarks

4. To support you to be Sober 4 Life ©

  • Patients and their families receive comprehensive information about the alumni community throughout their program
  • Patients can stay connected with 24/7 access to the alumni relations team via email and phone

How You Can Join

Are you willing to go through the treatment process alongside your teen? Well, if you want the best outcome, it’s a must do. We have a policy of inclusion and welcome all who wish to join. Our staff is available for you 24/7.

Our Core Services

1. 24-hour availability in crisis and in celebration

2. Sunday 7pm. Weekly Zoom meeting for all teen alumni members

3. Tuesday 7pm. Family Alumni Zoom meeting

  • For current and alumni parents
  • We provide support and education
  • We invite guest speakers

4. Saturday 4-5pm. Support sessions

  • We welcome all alumni back to our campus to share their experience, strength, and hope with our current patients Our Alumni Associates

Our Alumni Associates

Our associates are dedicated liaisons who:

  • Act as the first point of contact for our Alumni Program
  • Connect former program participants
  • Foster lasting bonds
  • Support alumni in their journey to well-being and personal growth

They play a crucial role in building a support network through:

  • Regular communication
  • Events
  • Resource provision

Contact Our Alumni Team

It’s easy to join, just call us at (888) 594-8699. We’ll take your call 24/7. 


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