Teen Depression Treatment in Texas

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Depression covers a number of affective disorders and can affect anyone, not least teenagers. Clearfork offers a variety of proven depression treatment options

Types of Treatment for Teen Depression

At Clearfork, we offer a tailored treatment plan for mental illnesses that can be talking therapy, medication therapy, or a combination of the two. The focus of our unique treatment programs is to help teens who are suffering from depression symptoms to learn the skills and mechanisms which can help them lead a happy and hopeful life with a bright future.

Our different treatment options include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT – this is a talk therapy designed to help teens reassess their response to stress, anxiety, and depression triggers and learn new ways to respond to those triggers which are manageable and healthy. It is an effective treatment for many mental disorders.
  • Interpersonal therapy – this relies on attachment theory and psychotherapy. It helps relieve depression symptoms by working on the teens’ interpersonal relationships. It is especially helpful for co-occurring conditions such as trauma.
  • Depression medication – antidepressants may be used, including a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), as they are proven to be helpful in suicide prevention and other behavioral risks associated with severe depression.

Our treatment programs will be designed by a mental health professional on our team who will conduct an assessment of your child and their depression symptoms. We treat depression in varied ways depending on diagnosis, which can be a major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder.

Level of Care Offered for Depression Treatment

We offer different levels of care to suit all teen depression – these will be discussed with you and your teen so you can make a choice that is right for you and your family.

Residential Care

Our residential care is an inpatient program designed to care for young adults suffering from major depression or bipolar depression. With healthcare professionals on-site at all times, you can be sure your teen will be safe during their treatment, and we can intervene immediately with suicide prevention if necessary.

Intensive Outpatient Program

This is best suited to those who have mild to intermediate mental illness or those who may not be suited to residential care. The intensive outpatient program offers access to the same therapies and medication treatment options as residential care but allows for flexibility so teens can stay in school and sleep at home if they would benefit from it.

How to Explain Depression to Your Child

Depression can be a strange and confusing thing for a person to suffer if they don’t understand what is happening to them. It’s not only about persistent negative feelings, but depressive symptoms can also include numbness and decreased energy, as well as suicidal thoughts for major depression. The same can be experienced for bipolar depression but interjected with periods of feelings of extreme elation that can lead to weakened inhibitions and unsafe behaviors.

Talking to your teenager about depression is important, and it’s vital you do so with care and understanding and without stigma or judgment. Your teenager may feel isolated, so they need to understand they can trust you when they feel so vulnerable, that you are someone they can confide in, and that you will help them.

Treating Depression in Teenagers at Clearfork Academy

Clearfork Academy takes pride in helping teenagers grow into happy, healthy adolescents with a hopeful future. Our team of healthcare professionals and licensed therapists offers a wide range of treatments.

As part of our therapeutic care, we offer individual therapy and group therapy for patients to learn and grow from each other and build support groups with other children and adolescents.

We also provide family therapy, as we believe that having a strong support system of family members who understand our patient’s needs during recovery is the best way to continue the recovery process and ensure it’s long-lasting.

Our alternative treatments include music, art, and adventure therapy which can encourage depressed teens to pick up a creative skillset and redirect their negative thoughts and behaviors into something more positive.

Benefits for Teens Receiving Depression Treatment

As with all psychiatric disorders, depression treatment can provide many benefits both in the short and long term.

Short Term

Children and teens may feel the positive effects of treatment very quickly, and be more attentive, have more energy, develop problem-solving skills, be more enthusiastic for social and family events, and show a significant decrease in thoughts of self-harm and suicide.

Long Term

In the longer term, they will be able to build strong, long-lasting, and trusting relationships with those around them. They will find a sense of purpose which will encourage them to increase engagement in school or work, develop life-long coping skills, and have higher self-esteem. They will have a more hopeful and brighter future.

FAQ about Teen Depression Treatment

Below are some commonly-asked questions about Clearfork Academy and the typical teen experience during treatment. If you don’t see your question below, please click here to see all FAQs or reach out to us directly for more information.

Depressed children and adolescents feel isolated, so if you notice warning signs that your teen may be depressed, treat them with care and understanding. Importantly, let them know they can trust you and that there is no stigma around seeking help from a treatment center such as Clearfork Academy. Reassure them that we are dedicated to adolescent psychiatry and our goal is to help them succeed in their recovery journey for a happier future.

We encourage every family member to get involved with the treatment process through family therapy sessions and emotional support. We have dedicated family-centered treatment, and with your support, we can help your teen recover from depression for good.

Adolescent depression can include symptoms of apathy, difficulty concentrating and decision-making, and poor timekeeping or attendance at school. It also affects sleep habits – perhaps insomnia or sleeping too much. Further, they may experience persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, sudden substance use disorder, and withdrawal from friends and family.

A mental health professional will conduct a psychological evaluation to assess your teen and ensure they match the diagnostic and statistical manual rubric by discussing the teen’s life, the parent-child relationship, the teen’s mood, family history, and other behaviors surrounding their mental health.

Support can come in many different forms, but a key aspect is to ensure that they feel validated in their struggle and that you are someone who can support them and get the help they need. If they are worried about speaking to us, we have a number of testimonials available to them that they may find encouraging.

Bullying, academic pressure, peer pressure, and changing hormone levels can all contribute to a major depressive episode, but there is not always an environmental reason. It could be that there is a family history of clinical depression or depressive disorders. There could also be co-occurring conditions such as substance abuse.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most commonly used medication for depression treatment, and they must only be prescribed by a mental health specialist as some SSRIs come with a black box warning.

It is possible to treat some teens’ depression without depression medicines, especially in younger patients and pediatric patients.

However, antidepressant medications should not be dismissed. They can deter suicidal thinking and self-harm and reduce the severity of symptoms of adolescent depression. This may be particularly necessary with manic depressive illness.

Teen Depression Treatment at Clearfork Academy

We are here to help – please call us if you are worried about your teen or if you have any questions about depression treatment. If they are exhibiting worsening depression or suicidal behavior, seek help from a mental health professional immediately.

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