Mental Health

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Having to send a child to a drug rehab treatment facility is perhaps one of the most challenging decisions a parent might have to make. Parenting is difficult in general

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How to Recognize Smiling Depression in Teens
Mental Health

How to Recognize Smiling Depression in Teens

Smiling depression refers to a coping mechanism used by people with a mental illness where they mask their symptoms of depression by appearing to be “happy” to the outside world.

Mental Health

Types of Self-Harm

Self-harm is sometimes used as a way to cope with difficult feelings. Some types of self-harm are easy to spot, while others can be hidden until the problem becomes bigger

Anorexia in Teens, Anorexic Teenager
Mental Health

Anorexia in Teens, Anorexic Teenager

The teenage years can be a confusing time. With so many hormonal changes and transitionary life steps, this period can feel overwhelming, leading to low self-esteem. This is just one

Teen Mental Disorders
Mental Health

Teen Mental Disorders

Mental health conditions affect your emotions, thinking, behavior, and self-image, impacting your daily life. In the past, a common attitude was that people needed to pull themselves up by their

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