Hip-Hop’s Role in Teen Substance Abuse – A Wake-Up Call for Parents

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Teens under the influence of substances at a Hip Hop concert.


Shot of a large crowd at a music concert.

“N*****, why you babysittin’ only two or three shots? / I’ma show you how to turn it up a notch / First you get a swimming pool full of liquor, then you dive in it.”

—”Swimming Pools (Drank)” by Kendrick Lamar

In this song, Kendrick Lamar uses the metaphor of a swimming pool full of liquor to explore the culture of drinking and its effects.

Percocets, molly, percocets.”

—”Mask Off” by Future

This song serves as a stark reminder of the explicit content and potential influence on impressionable minds.

“Smoke weed every day.”

—”The Next Episode” by Dr. Dre featuring Snoop Dogg, Kurupt, and Nate Dogg

Updated and Fact-Checked May 2024 by: Christine Zambos, LMFT

Updates list:

        • Updated data regarding teen behavior
        • Updated Parents’ Strategies

Music is a powerful influence that shapes culture, political movements and addresses issues within society. Just like the kind of content we read, or movies we watch, music has the power to influence our perspectives about the world and behaviors in everyday life. 

Hip-hop in particular has roots in a strong cultural movement originating from U.S. urban black culture. It has become one of the most popular genres around the globe, and is particularly popular among teens.  

It draws people in with it´s deep rhythms, emotional intensity and the power of voicing issues within politics, culture and society. 

Hip-hop serves as a method of self-expression and a way to challenge societal power. However, as much as hip-hop serves as a platform for self-expression and social commentary, it has also raised concerns regarding its role in influencing teen behavioral problems and substance abuse. 

A female teen listening to rap music outside of her car.

Influence of Music on Teen Culture

Over the past decades there is no denying the influence of music on teen culture. It has influenced lifestyle, fashion and for some acts as a form of identity. 

Lyrics and the lifestyle of artists are the two main factors that influence young audiences in music. Just as rock and roll did with youth in the 1960´s and 70´s. 

The teenage years are a critical stage of development, making them particularly open to influence from the kind of content consumed. Some studies have shown that exposure to drug glorification in music can influence teens’ perceptions of drug use, making it appear more common, acceptable and without consequence. 

This normalization has posed a large risk, influencing experimentation, addiction, and other behavioral problems found in society. Drug use during teenage years can stunt brain development, leading to lower academic performance, relationship issues and even problems with the legal system.

A male teen holding up the West Coast sign with his fingers; shows the major influence Hip Hop has on teens.

A Closer Look at Hip-Hop 

Over the past few decades, hip-hop has grown to be one of the most popular genres in the world and specifically loved by teenagers. It is often referred to as “the soundtrack of adolescence”. 

Of course, this is not demonizing the entire genre of hip-hop or rap as negative, but within some of the subgenres there is a glorification of drugs, alcohol and violence to which teenagers could particularly be vulnerable during development. 

This influential music genre has shaped fashion, media, language, lifestyle and even political movements.  

What is Hip-Hop? 

Hip-hop is not only an overarching genre of music with lots of subgenres. It is also a complex culture made up of 4 main elements: 

  • DJíng or making beats
  • Rapping
  • Street art, fashion and graffiti culture 
  • Breakdancing  

Hip-hop attracts teens not only with beats easy to dance to, but powerful lyrics that help express the intricacy of their lives. Hip-hop artists tend to come from backgrounds relatable to many teens, with stories that catch their attention. 

Lyrics often reflect both individual and societal struggles. These can range across problems with identity, street life, poverty, and racism. In some ways it empowers teens by offering an outlet in which they can express their own life challenges and successes. 

Fashion trends, slang, art, media and attitudes about trends in society often find their roots in hip-hop culture, making it extra appealing for teens. While there are many great things that have come out of the hip-hop movement, it has come with its fair share of problems affecting behavior patterns and society trends in adolescence. 

Many songs contain explicit lyrics, normalizing drugs, gang violence, and cruelty against women. This has the power to shape teens’ perspectives on what kind of behaviors are acceptable in their homes and communities. 

The Role of Media

Mainstream media often has the power to shift public perception on hip hop culture. While some only highlight the negative side, others only embrace the positive aspects. It’s important for media outlets to take a non-biased approach and focus on the reality that both positives and negatives exist within this powerful music genre. 

When songs that consistently glorify drug abuse and violence are constantly streamed without context, it can normalize behaviors in teens who are especially impressionable.  

Many hip-hop artists get inspiration from personal experiences and growing up in harsh environments, but fail to address the roots of these problems. If teens are exposed to lyrics that discuss the reality of street life, then they also need to learn from the media that economic inequality, systemic racism, trauma and poverty all play an influence leading to these destructive behaviors.

Parents, educators, the media and artists themselves should try to foster a more well-rounded understanding that teaches teens about the complexities of these issues. This is helpful for teenagers to navigate the soundtrack of their adolescence without embodying behaviors in the lyrics.

Allowing freedom of expression especially in art and music is important. But providing a clear context for teens to understand the underlying themes is key to prevent them from embodying these behaviors. 

Nobody wants to censor artistic expression or the reality of many hip-hop artists’ lives; but providing a background context would be helpful for the development of teenagers.

Male teens listen to hip-hop as a way to escape their current situation.

The Power of Lyrics 

The relationship between rap lyrics and substance abuse has grown over the past decades. And often been ignored by mainstream narratives as an outdated point of view. 

Glamorization of Negative Behaviors 

Hip-hop draws teens in with it´s unfiltered lyrics that often discuss the raw and harsh reality of life, particularly on the streets—making it appealing to teens growing up in already tough environments.  

Artists use their music as a canvas to paint the realities of their lives, including, at times, their experiences with drug use. Sometimes this can turn into a portrayal that glamorizes drug use by presenting drug abuse as a symbol of rebellion, success or wealth. 

This is not the intention of most artists, often just trying to connect with their listeners through shared experiences. But for teens, who are still developing their views and place in the world, it can be misleading.  

How Music is Connected to Teen Behavior

Although complex, there is a large connection between the music teens listen to and their perspectives on the world which can influence their behaviors. Research in social and music psychology has shown the correlation between various kinds of music and patterns of behavior among youth. 

If a teen only listens to music with extremely aggressive or violent lyrics, they may internalize these lyrics and lead to similar behaviors. On the flip side, songs with positive messages can empower and inspire them to be better in their daily lives. 

Lyrics that constantly speak of drug and alcohol use may make it seem as the “norm” in adulthood. This can potentially lead to higher levels of experimentation among teenagers. 

A female teen vaping while listening to her favorite rap artist.

What Can Parents Do? 

Parents often find themselves in a difficult situation when putting limits on the content their teenager consumes. They want to understandably protect their teens and promote positive behaviors while still respecting their freedom of art and music choices.

Open Conversations 

Developing a healthy relationship with your teen where you can have open, honest and vulnerable conversations is key to discussing their music choices and the potential influence on their lives. 

Many parents condemn hip-hop music immediately, making their opinion irrelevant to their teens. Rather than trying to restrict these topics for your teen to listen to, explore them with your teen instead. Initiate conversations with teens surrounding these topics and themes. 

Parents should actively listen to their teens and understand why their teens are drawn into the preferences of music they have. Parents should also take initiative to learn more about the background of the hip-hop artists their teens are listening to. 

This can provide helpful context when having conversations with your teens. It also may educate them about some of their favorite artists. 

Model Positive Behavior 

Many teens that embody the behaviors they hear in these kinds of lyrics often come from harsh environments themselves and do not have positive role modeling in their life. Parents providing positive role modeling can help their teens enjoy music with explicit lyrics, while preventing them from embodying them in their daily lives. 

Reality vs. Art 

Teaching your teens from a young age that art, music, movies, content and social media doesn’t always need to reflect their own lives is important. Teaching discernment between what is acceptable in the real world vs what is put out for artistic expression can be helpful. 

For example children and adults may play violent video games, but know that these kinds of behaviors can´t be replicated. 

Set Boundaries

As with any kinds of content your teen consumes, a balance between personal choice and setting boundaries is important. Rather than banning your teen from listening to music with harsh lyrics, consider suggesting they explore other artists and have a more diverse taste in music. 

Find out what makes your teens enjoy the kind of music they do. If it is rhythm and beats then encourage them to find other artists or genres that provide those. If it is lyrics, find out what your teen is inspired by or relates to. 

These balanced boundaries allow teens to have freedom over their music choices, while still understanding the impact it could have on their thoughts, perceptions and behaviors. 

As with all forms of media exposure, the first step is by starting an open conversation with them.  

If you have a teen who is suffering from a substance abuse disorder, reach out to our compassionate team at Clearfork Academy.

NFL commissioner and Jay Z shaking hands. The media's influence on teens is alarming.


For parents seeking resources to help them navigate their teens’ exposure to hip-hop culture, especially regarding themes of substance use, there are several informative websites and programs available:

H.Y.P.E. (Helping Young People Through Hip Hop Empowerment): This is a 12-session group therapy program. Mental health issues affecting Black boys and young men can now be addressed with H.Y.P.E., a Hip Hop Therapy program specifically designed for the young warriors of Hip Hop culture that uses hip-hop music to engage teens in identifying and changing disruptive patterns. 

It aims to encourage youth to think critically and foster a sense of hopefulness. The program has shown promise in helping teens set better life goals and gain control over their lives.

Publications by the American Academy of Pediatrics: They have published articles discussing the impact of music, lyrics, and music videos on children and adolescents, which can be a valuable resource for parents.


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