Proven Ways to Help Troublesome Teenagers 

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Parenting a teen can be difficult. You may struggle to set boundaries with them, fail to communicate effectively, and worry about where they are or who they spend time with.  Teens who have mental health problems, learning disorders, or come from high-risk communities/homes may show heightened or repetitive troubling behaviors that impact their relationships, academics, safety, and quality of life. When left unaddressed, it can cause problems that follow them into adulthood.  It’s essential for parents to provide support and guidance when necessary. Teens rarely reach out or ask for help, so recognizing the warning signs is important. Read on to learn more about troubling teenage behaviors and proven ways to help your teen. 

Understanding The Context of Teens

The teenage years are often filled with unique challenges, and it’s important to remember that their brain is still actively developing. They are also influenced by other biological changes, such as hormone surges, that can impact their mood and personalities.  This can make teens more vulnerable to mental health problems and impulsive or reckless behavior. 

What Are Normal Teen Behaviors?  

Before recognizing troubling behavior in teens, it’s important to know what normal teenage behavior looks like. Teens are known for being moody, a bit risky, and sometimes defiant. Sometimes, parents think these behaviors are red flags, but they tend to be pretty normal for teens: 
  • Mood swings 
  • Challenging rules or authority (with limits)
  • Influenced by peers 
  • Spending more time alone 
By understanding what behaviors are typical it makes it easier to spot troubling behaviors that go past what is normal for a teen. When does the challenge for independence become defiance? At what point do emotional outbursts and mood swings need professional intervention? 

Understanding Troubled Teens 

Troubled youth are defined as “those who have an emotional disturbance that significantly disrupts their everyday life at home, school, or in the community for an extended time (a year or more).”  They may struggle with underlying mental health issues such as depression or anxiety that influence their behavior.  While some undesirable behaviors are normal for teens, if they impact their daily functioning, health, or safety—it is often a cause for concern.  Some of the red flags in teenage behavior include: 
  • Isolation and social withdrawal 
  • Sudden decline in school (failing classes, truancy, fighting with teachers, etc.) 
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Low self-esteem 
  • Sadness or despair 
  • Lack of respect for rules, boundaries, or others 
  • Aggressive, angry, or violent outbursts 
  • Decline in basic hygiene  
  • Lack of appetite or overeating 
  • Inability to fall asleep or sleeping too much
  • Trouble with the law  
  • Substance abuse 
  • Self-harm or suicidal thoughts 

Ways to Help Your Troubled Teen 

There are several ways to help a troubled teen get their behavior under control. 

Educate Yourself on Teen Mental Health 

According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 7 teens experiences a mental health problem. They may struggle with problems such as depression, ADHD, or anxiety.  Parents should stay mindful of the signs when behavior becomes troubling.  For example, if your teen is suddenly isolating themselves and disregarding basic self-care, this could be a warning sign of depression. If your teen is having drastic mood changes marked by manic or depressed episodes, it could be a sign of bipolar disorder.  

Build A Connection 

Build an open line of communication to gain their trust so that they can come to you in times of need. You may not always understand where your teen is coming from, but it’s important to actively listen to their problems and avoid chiming in with judgment. Some tips to support you when building a connection with your teen include: 
  • Listen without judging 
  • Find common ground
  • Actively listen 
  • Ask questions 
  • Take interest in their likes/dislikes, hobbies, etc 

Express Concern 

Don’t shame, yell, or go straight to punishing them. It’s important to express concern for their safety. Explain the long-term consequences of their actions. Remind your teen you are there to support them to be healthy, happy, and successful. 

Set Boundaries 

There is a fine line between respecting independence and setting boundaries when parenting teens. Remember, your teen is not an adult and needs guidance when making certain decisions or following rules. However, they are no longer children and should be given more independence as they show more responsibility.  When setting rules and boundaries with your teen, be clear and concise. Explain to them the consequences of what happens when they break a boundary, and follow through with them so you aren’t making empty threats. Write these down if need be. That way, during times of high tension, you can revert back to the rules created when you were both in a calm headspace. 

Practice Self-Care 

Parents must also prioritize their own self-care to support their teens properly. If you are burnt out, practicing patience and problem-solving with your teen can be difficult, making it harder to find solutions to troubling behaviors.  Make sure you know your limits and use positive strategies to relieve stress. Not only will this help you during difficult times when managing your teen, but it will also teach them the importance of self-care. Practicing self-care, open communication, and any other behavior in the home you want your teen to embody is important. 

Reach Out for Support 

Consider reaching out for extra help. This could be to your physician, a therapist, caseworker, or close friend. During these times it’s important to have support from someone who knows your teen. 

Professional Help for Teens in Texas 

If you identify warning signs of negative behavior in your teen, it’s essential to reach out for professional mental health support to help find the best plan of treatment. At Clearfork, we provide comprehensive help for troubled teens, focusing on the underlying mental health problem that drives their behavior. 


Mental Health of Adolescents. 2024. World Health Organization.  Severely Troubled Children and Youth: What Everyone Needs to Know. 2024. NCJRS Virtual Library. U.S. Department of Justice. 
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