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Having to send a child to a drug rehab treatment facility is perhaps one of the most challenging decisions a parent might have to make. Parenting is difficult in general

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Parent Information

Why Do Teens Resort to Drug Use?

Table of Contents The teenage years are filled with increased curiosity, self-exploration, and the challenge of independence. This often involves experimenting and testing boundaries, such as trying something new or

Mental Health

How To Help A Teen With Attachment Disorder

Table of Contents Attachment disorder is a broad term that describes abnormal mood, behavior, and social relationships stemming from insecure attachment during infancy and early childhood. Teens with attachment trauma

Mental Health

How Does Cyberbullying Affect Teen Mental Health?

Table of Contents Today’s teens spend more time on smartphones and social media than ever, with over 90% reporting they use it daily. Social media can provide an outlet for

A concerned parent talking to their troubled teenager.
Parent Information

How To Help An Out of Control Teen

Table of Contents Adolescence is a unique period characterized by rapid biological changes, social skills development, and life transitions. Teens are often met with new challenges, such as academic pressure,

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